6m portable at the home QTH

In the summer of 2020 during the height of the pandemic, I was able to operate with the temporary setup for 6m shown in the following photo. The 6M5X 5-element yagi was placed at a height of 15 ft using a drive-on mast that was left over from my days as a VHF rover. The car was parked in front of the house and the feedline ran along the ground in through the front door where I had the transceiver and laptop on a folding table. I ran back-and-forth to point the beam using a handheld GPS and the "armstrong" rotator method.

During a 6 week period, I was able to work 53 DXCC entities, 49 states, and 303 FFMA grids. The vast majority of these contacts were with FT8. I also put in some decent scores in the ARRL and CQ-VHF contests. This same antenna is now mounted on a 50 ft tower as part of the permanent installation.