NAHSMS 2007 Gemenids Test
  Contest started off with a few quick and easy QSOs and they got harder after that. I could have worked several more I heard but I didn't want to use 50.260 to run on (other than Random Hour). A couple didn't seem to quite get the hang of answering a U/D CQ so I missed them. Most QSOs were with the "usual suspects" but a few of them were missing. I think bad weather kept some in the northeast off the air. However, some of the newer guys filled the slack. Rocks were so-so and I only tried to QSY one other to 2m. The radio in mobile is down so I didn't get a chance to do any runs from the Rockmobile this time around. - N5SIX

I misread my rally dates and showed up a day late (well 22hrs late). Bummer for sure. The rocks were very good here from about 00z to 03z Dec 14z, some of the best, if not the best 222 signals I have heard. It was nice to see 222 in the log again this year after no 222 contacts last winter rally. I ran "with the logger" and it seemed like the traffic was really down, unless I missed it the first day. I had one pretty nice random run and other than that things were pretty spread out on the logger and the rocks were "few and far between" after Thursday night/ Friday morning. - K0AWU

Operating unassisted often times leaves one in the dark as to how the contest is going. I went into Saturday morning with 21 contacts and I just knew Saturday would be a good ping day. WRONG! I didn't work another contact and Sunday was not a planned day to operate here. What happened on Saturday? There was no need to go outside and look for meteors, too overcast for viewing. I heard four other stations that we did not work. I believe some gave up too early on our attempts because the rocks were slow and they expected quick contacts. Saturday morning we did have one E-skip opening spoiling the contest. I had one contact via Es that was excluded from the log.- WA5UFH

Never did see any Colorado stations this time, great contest.- KC6ZWT

All in all a fun contest. Spent a lot of time scanning and calling CQ and wishing there were more stations within range. Missed a few that I heard but they couldn’t hear me. I’m sure there were others that for one reason or another I never knew were there. That is the fun of randoms though! Heard KM5PO on 6 meters very loud but never made it. Doug VE5UF was good copy with me on both 6 and 2 meters but never could get his attention. Also N6CW on 2 meters and KC7DEJ on 6 meters. Was working AJ6T and just waiting for his RRR but never got it. I guess he just gave up eventually. Never heard him again. Next year I should have bigger antennas on both bands and also amplifiers. - VE3CDX/W7

Great contest with much more activity than last year. It sure was a fun event and I would like to see more than just the one per year. Maybe another to coincide with the August Perseids? Just a thought. - W6OUU

Dear old power line noise limited time I could hear anything, second day operating my 6M7JHV went intermittent. The typical contest, LOL. All in all I really only heard three stations that I didn't work, so conditions were not very good down here in Alabama. Looking forward to next year - K4YMQ

Just when I start to think I am getting proficient with the software and the procedures, up comes a contest like this. I probably missed a few contacts because of my errors. Oh well! Practice, practice. All the QSOs on 50.273 were in response to my CQ. QSOs on 50.260 were my response to CQ. I did listen a but on 2 meters, but only saw one CQ. I didn't think 2 would be productive, random only, so stayed on 6. Thank you to the sponsors and log checkers, I appreciate your efforts. - N3RN